Surprise Christmas Mini Session

Christmas Mini Session - Kingston, Tasmania
Meet Chloe… This is her first Christmas
Introducing Chloe: daughter of Lyle and Taryn and most importantly, our God Child.
When one decides to do a super secret photoshoot like this, I can give a very important tip: to guarantee the photoshoot stays a secret, ensure the child cannot speak yet…
After arranging a day and time in November that we (Trevor and I, AKA The God Parents) could “look after” Chloe for a few hours, she was promptly dropped off with us. Our home looked just as it should, nothing out of place and no room for suspicion. As soon as Lyle and Taryn had driven off though, we were full steam ahead with setting up a make-shift home studio. I had already done a panicked, but totally covert rummage through Chloe’s cupboard the day before, as I knew Taryn had bought her a new Christmas outfit. Just in case though, we got her a cute little outfit too. Within minutes our lounge became a very impressive Christmas themed wonderland. Baubles scattered the floor, a wreath was hung next to an enormous red ribbon, our tiny Christmas tree stood proud, Chloe’s Santa Sack was propped up and the scene was set! All we needed now was Chloe’s cooperation and we would be golden. As you can see by the images below, Chloe brought her “A” game and I am so happy with how the photoshoot turned out. Special thanks to Trevor, my dedicated husband, for lying just out of frame, hiding his arm behind the Santa Sack, holding Chloe up. Phew! We did it, and what joy it brought when we gifted Lyle and Taryn their photobook with these special images. Capturing precious milestones like this make my heart overflow with happiness!