Maternity Shoot on the Farm with the Mosterts

Maternity Shoot - Port Edward
We had been planning this photoshoot for months, in fact, as soon as Dayna knew she was pregnant she called me.
Finally, the day arrived. A very windy and overcast day, that threatened rain at any moment.
The good thing about overcast weather is that the light is really soft and shadows areminimal. With the rain in mind, we hurriedly made our way to the dam, which was the chosen location for this particular shoot. The great thing about doing a photoshoot at someone’s home, especially a farm, is that there are many different natural backdrops to make use of.
We started in the forest area and captured some beautiful family portraits. Next, we made our way across the dam wall with little Hayden in hot pursuit on his bright orange “stootoot”.
Then we were in and out of the sugar cane with Ryan and Dayna- this was my favourite part of the shoot!
We captured so much love in these images that every time I look at them, I smile. We ended our session back in the forest on a very photogenic fallen log to get our final special (and hilarious) family moments.
As I pressed the shutter for the last time, we could feel the rain in the air. We quickly packed up, hopped back in the car and headed back to the house for a nice warm drink (this is an added benefit when the client is your very close friend!).