Exploring the West Coast of South Africa

Travel- West Coast- South Africa
The West Coast, a trip that has been on my “bucket list” for some time now.
A mere two hour drive takes one from the bustling Cape Town Waterfront to the stunning little village of St Helena Bay on the West Coast. To be honest, I was quite sad to be leaving the city as I love seeing the mountain and the vibe at the Waterfront is always great. However, when we turned off the highway to St Helena Bay, my heart skipped a beat at the beauty that was before us. It did help that we arrived at 17h30, right at the peak of the winter golden hour. Everything had that soft, golden-pink tint that makes a landscape look even more attractive! We arrived at our accommodation and the view was just spectacular! The Lazy Daisies is perched on top of the hill at the bay’s peninsular, allowing one to see the sunrise over the Cederberg mountains and the sunset near Paternoster. The sun was going down behind us and the moon was rising before us over the ocean… It was mind blowing! And so began my evening and following morning, running around like crazy, photographing the awesome scenery and fiery sky. After capturing the expansive, vibrant sunrise, we headed off to explore the sights, sounds and food that Langebaan and Paternoster had to offer. We stopped for lunch at a very authentic seaside restaurant called Seekombuis, where we sat at a table in an old wooden fishing boat and ate our delicious calamari. Later, we ventured to the Cape Columbine Lighthouse, but unfortunately were unable to explore it as it was closed for the day. Another beautiful sunset closed off our adventurous day and then we enjoyed our final West Coast sunrise the next morning. I can truly say that I have never seen such an amazing and beautifully exciting sunrise as I saw in St Helena Bay! I really enjoyed capturing these images and I do hope you enjoy viewing them too!